Cascada are one of the biggest dance acts in the world, with over 11 million worldwide sales spread out over 3 years. They have gone on to win several international music awards and released top-selling singles to their adoring fans. And with their upcoming tour in July, the group will be once again proving their worth!

Gigs and Tours chats to Cascada...

What are you up to at this moment?
- Things are definitely very busy at the moment, as we're getting ready for the release of our next single and fourth album - always an exciting time, too!

You’re touring soon what can the audience expect?
- We're really looking forward to our tour,as it's been a about a year since we were on British stages. The audience can expect a fast pace show jam-packed with songs of old and new.

Will you be playing any new material or a mixture of your back catalogue?- As I mentioned above, it will be a mixture out of our old material and some new tracks off of our new album.
How long did it take to record your new album and what where your main inspirations?- I'd say we've taken about a year and a half to two years to complete this album... It's always a relief to finally say "we're done"! Can't wait for everyone to hear it, it's been quite a journey.

What is your  favourite song to perform live?- To be honest there is no answer to that question:) one always enjoys performing a new song as its different to what you're use to but on the other hand, performing our hits like an everytime we touch always gives us a warm feeling a the crowd reacts in such a fabulous way.
Where has been your favourite gig?- There are most definitely too many great gigs to be able to choose one, but I guess an important performance for me was right at the beginning of my career when I was asked to perform the ballad version of everytime we touch on swedish television accompanied by a real classical orchestra - That experience will always stick in my mind as being very special.
Which song do you wish you had written?- I absolutely love beyonce's song 'Halo',so let's choose that one:)
What was the first gig you ever went to?- The first gig I ever went to was one of my father's as I grew up around that jazz scene...I remember my sister and I falling asleep during the concerts when we were very young, even though the drums are so loud!
Plans for the rest of the year?
-Well, as we're in the middle of our new releases we'll be doing a lot of promotion and shows, of course - and travelling, travelling, travelling, as usual! Can't wait to see everyone at the gigs, it's going to be really fun :)